If your loved one was cremated, you may wish to consider purchasing a handcrafted urn, for urns are beautiful in appearance and sentimental in purpose.
When you experience the loss of a loved one, you contemplate the various ways in which to remember that special person. If your loved one was cremated, you may wish to consider purchasing a handcrafted urn, for urns are beautiful in appearance and sentimental in purpose.
By definition, an urn is a vessel designed to hold the remains (or ashes) of the deceased once the cremation process has been rendered complete. Urns come in many different shapes, sizes and colors, and can be composed of materials such as wood, glass, marble and ceramic.
Interestingly, no regulations exist in regards to what constitutes an urn; there’s freedom to “get creative” with your choice of urn. For those who wish to have their ashes scattered, urns can serve as a temporary, safe place to store the ashes. Surviving family members who have accepted responsibility for the urn can elect to bury it, place it in a columbarium niche (a wall, room or building specifically built to house cremation urns), or put the urn on display in their home or elsewhere as they see fit.
Urns have been used for thousands of years by people representing many different cultures and religions. Similar to headstones in a graveyard, urns symbolize life and death. Given that most urns are designed to be beautiful, elegant and unique, they are regarded around the world as a way to respectfully memorialize the deceased. They serve as a tangible keepsake that gives you an opportunity to lovingly remember and cherish the special person you have lost.
Urns can also be personalized, which adds a meaningful characteristic to the urn. One method of personalization comes in the form of engraving. Another type of personalization involves an outfitted urn with a removable tray that permits you to place special items inside such as jewelry, photographs and letters.
At Oaktree Memorials, we offer our customers the opportunity to purchase handcrafted, sustainable urns that are carefully curated and meticulously manufactured by artisans residing in the United States and Italy.
Our talented artisans create gorgeous urns using high-quality materials including ceramics, wood and marble. Our team at Oaktree would be honored to help you select an urn that best reflects the person whose ashes will be placed inside.

We recognize that the majority of our customers come to us during the early stages of the grieving process, which is why you can expect to be met with empathy, kindness, patience and respect while shopping for an urn that meets your needs.
An urn is one of many ways that you can express your love and admiration for the person who’s passed, but whose memory you will carry with you forevermore.
1 comment
An urn is a classic and conventional container for cremated remains. When we lost our father last year, I chose the urn necklace from https://minimemorials.com/collections/urn-necklace. I believe that, of all the many styles, the necklace is the most personal and pleasant to wear.